
Chayo's Andean Home

Unit 1 extra: web-quest

Read the instructions carefully:

Click on this link www.rainforest-alliance
You will find various stories about the rainforest.

Choose Chayo's Andean Home (at the top) and click on English Virtual Storybook.

You can read the book online. The story is not big. I suggest you read all of it once and then answer the questions, looking again at the text to check your answers. While answering the multiple choice questions, try to find the words at the vocabulary task.

After you finish you can browse around the site if you want - but you don't have to. There is an online game which has plenty of information on rainforests. You will find it by choosing Online Games (on the left) and then Jewels of the Earth.

Happy surfing!

7 World Wonders web-quest and project

Unit 1 - extra: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Click HERE to watch a video about the Seven Wonders.

Go to seven-wonders-interactive-map and answer the questions from the worksheet I gave you. Click HERE to download if you've lost it.
Write your answers in your notebooks. 
For a bit of fun you might want to watch the video which can be found on the Colossus of Rhodes link.
Good luck at your quest ;)