
ESL Video: Introduction to Britain


1) Watch the video and complete the worksheet I gave you in class.

In case you haven't got the worksheet you can download it HERE

2) For some extra practice on the grammar we're working on at school, you may want to do some online exercises:

Click HERE for exercises on Present Simple and Continuous.

Click HERE for exercises on Stative Verbs

Marie Curie

Unit 2 extra: Marie Curie

Click on this LINK to read her biography.

Click HERE to download the questions and a glossary to help you.
If you can't download the questions, see them below.

Don't try to understand everything, just find the answers.
1.       What was Marie Curie's real name?
2.       How many siblings (αδέρφια ) did she have? What do you know about  the family's financial  situation (οικονομική κατάσταση)?
3.       Was she a good student at school?
4.       How did she and her sister manage to study at university? What deal (συμφωνία) did they make?
5.       What university degrees did she have?
6.       What did Marie and her husband Pierre discover? What did they receive in 1903 for their work?
7.       After her husband's death she started  teaching at his place in the university. What was special about that?
8.       How did she serve France during World War I?
9.       How did working with radiation for so long affect Marie's health? How did she die?

If you use Google Chrome you can download and install the extension Google Dictionary. Every time you come across an unknown word as you browse through the internet you can double-click on it and the dictionary will show you a short definition ;-) To find the extension click HERE. Its name is "Google Dictionary (by Google)" and it should be right at the top.
Good luck!

Grammar: Present Perfect Continuous

This Prezi will help you understand the difference between Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous:

This exercise focuses on the 1st difference: action vs result.
present perfect s. or cont.

This exercise focuses on the 2nd difference: it happened some time in the past vs it happened just before.
present perfect s. or cont. 2

Practice some more with these simple activities from englishgrammarsecrets 

activity 1

activity 2

activity 3

activity 4

activity 5

The Gunpowder Plot

Unit 6 extra: Web-quest

Click on this LINK to open the story of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.

Click HERE to download the question sheet 
or click to view the picture.

Bonfire Night!

It's 5th of November already and people in Britain celebrate Bonfire Night!

Here's a great site with lots of information about this holiday. CLICK
After you read the story don't forget to play the game and see if you can catch the plotters before the bombs go off! Click on Powder Plot Game at the left side of the page.

More resources:
learnenglishteens britishcouncil - bonfire night

Chayo's Andean Home

Unit 1 extra: web-quest

Read the instructions carefully:

Click on this link www.rainforest-alliance
You will find various stories about the rainforest.

Choose Chayo's Andean Home (at the top) and click on English Virtual Storybook.

You can read the book online. The story is not big. I suggest you read all of it once and then answer the questions, looking again at the text to check your answers. While answering the multiple choice questions, try to find the words at the vocabulary task.

After you finish you can browse around the site if you want - but you don't have to. There is an online game which has plenty of information on rainforests. You will find it by choosing Online Games (on the left) and then Jewels of the Earth.

Happy surfing!

7 World Wonders web-quest and project

Unit 1 - extra: The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Click HERE to watch a video about the Seven Wonders.

Go to seven-wonders-interactive-map and answer the questions from the worksheet I gave you. Click HERE to download if you've lost it.
Write your answers in your notebooks. 
For a bit of fun you might want to watch the video which can be found on the Colossus of Rhodes link.
Good luck at your quest ;)